--- title: Using Macros in Vim date: "2021-01-26" --- For a long time, macros in Vim were a huge mystery for me. I knew they existed, but I didn't know how or why you'd use them. A recent task of mine involved replacing the unsafe operator (`!!`) in a large kotlin codebase with a null-safe operator (`?`). This game me a good opportunity to learn about macros. This is a snippet I encountered numerous times: ```kt mLeftButton!!.text = "Left" mLeftButton!!.setOnClickListener(leftListener) mLeftButton!!.visibility = View.VISIBLE mRightButton!!.text = "Right" mRightButton!!.setOnClickListener(rightListener) mRightButton!!.visibility = View.VISIBLE ``` You could go ahead and change each line individually, or use the IDEs built in "multi-cursor" tool to save you some work. But, let me show you how I automated this using a Vim-Plugin for Android Studio. Not that the plugin matter, it will work in every Vim-like editor. A macro in Vim works like this: 1. Record any sequence of keystrokes and assign them to a key 1. Execute that sequence as often as you wish So let's see how we'd do that. ## Recording a macro To record a macro in Vim, you press `q` (In normal mode) followed by a key you want to assign the macro to. So, if you wanted to record a macro and save it to the `q` key, you'd press `qq`. Vim will notify you that a macro is being recorded. Now, you can press the keystrokes that define your actions. When you're done, press `q` in normal mode again to quit your macro. Coming back to my task, I would want to do the following: 1. `qq` Record a macro and save it to the `q` key 1. `_` - Jump to the beginning of the line 1. `f!` - Find next occurrence of `!` 1. `cw` - Change word (Delete word and enter insert mode) 1. `?.` - Insert the new characters 1. `` - Enter normal mode 1. `j` - go down a line 1. `q` - Finish macro If everything went right, this line: ``` mLeftButton!!.text = "Left" ``` Should now look like this: ``` mLeftButton?.text = "Left" ``` and your macro should be saved under the `q` key. ## Using the macro In order to use a macro in vim, you press the `@` key, followed by the key the macro is saved under. Since our macro is defined as `q`, we'd press `@q`, and the macro is executed immediately. Let's take this further. You might have noticed that I went down a line before closing the macro. This becomes handy when you want to execute it many times. In our case we have 6 lines we want to refactor. 1 line has already been altered, so we have to execute it 5 more times. As per usual with vim, you can execute an action n times by specifying a number before doing the action. Let's press `5@q` to execute the macro 5 times. And voila! Our unsafe code is now null-safe. ```kt mLeftButton?.text = "Left" mLeftButton?.setOnClickListener(leftListener) mLeftButton?.visibility = View.VISIBLE mRightButton?.text = "Right" mRightButton?.setOnClickListener(rightListener) mRightButton?.visibility = View.VISIBLE ``` Macros are really satisfying to watch, if you ask me! This is post 007 of [#100DaysToOffload](https://100daystooffload.com/).