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Add 512kb club post

Garrit Franke 3 years ago
  1. 2


@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ In order to get lean, I descided to join [the 512KB club](
[![Green Team](](
I'm not planning to stop here though. I think keeping a website small and simple is an excellent practice. My next step will be to get rid of all the JS junk on this site and only rely on HTML and CSS. I still want to be able to write my posts in Markdown, so I will have to come up with a way to generate pages from them. A safe bet for this would be to use a SSG like [Hugo]( Frankly, [writing my own simple SSG probably wouldn't hurt either](
I'm not planning to stop here though. I think keeping a website small and simple is an excellent practice. My next step will be to get rid of all the JS junk on this site and only rely on HTML and CSS. I still want to be able to write my posts in Markdown, so I will have to come up with a way to generate pages from them. A safe bet for this would be to use a SSG like [Hugo]( Frankly, [writing my own simple SSG probably wouldn't hurt either]( Let's see how high I can climb the ranks of the 512KB club. Care to join me?
This is post 003 of [#100DaysToOffload](
