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use crate::command::build;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use std::process::Stdio;
use tempfile::tempdir;
pub fn run(in_file: PathBuf) -> Result<(), String> {
let out_dir = tempdir()
.expect("Could not create temporary file")
let intermediate_out_file_path = out_dir.join("intermediate.c");
build::build(&in_file, &intermediate_out_file_path)?;
let out_file = out_dir.join("out");
if cfg!(feature = "backend_c") {
let comp = Command::new("/usr/bin/cc")
.expect("Could not spawn compilation process");
let out = Command::new(out_file)
.expect("Could not spawn run process");
.expect("Could not write to stdout");
.expect("Could not write to stderr");
} else if cfg!(feature = "backend_node") {
let out = Command::new("node")
.expect("Could not spawn run process");
.expect("Could not write to stdout");
.expect("Could not write to stderr");