use crate::lexer::Keyword; use crate::lexer::{Token, TokenKind, Value}; use crate::parser::node_type::Statement; use crate::parser::node_type::*; use crate::util::string_util::highlight_position_in_file; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::iter::Peekable; use std::vec::IntoIter; pub mod node_type; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; pub struct Parser { tokens: Peekable>, peeked: Vec, current: Option, prev: Option, raw: Option, } impl Parser { pub fn new(tokens: Vec, raw: Option) -> Parser { // FIXME: Fiter without collecting? let tokens_without_whitespace: Vec = tokens .into_iter() .filter(|token| token.kind != TokenKind::Whitespace && token.kind != TokenKind::Comment) .collect(); Parser { tokens: tokens_without_whitespace.into_iter().peekable(), peeked: vec![], current: None, prev: None, raw: raw, } } pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Result { self.parse_program() } fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.prev = self.current.to_owned(); let item = if self.peeked.is_empty() { } else { self.peeked.pop() }; self.current = item.to_owned(); item } fn peek(&mut self) -> Option { if let Some(token) = { self.push(Some(token.to_owned())); Some(token) } else { None } } fn drop(&mut self, count: usize) { for _ in 0..count {; } } fn push(&mut self, token: Option) { if let Some(t) = token { self.peeked.push(t); } } fn has_more(&mut self) -> bool { !self.peeked.is_empty() || self.tokens.peek().is_some() } fn next_token(&mut self) -> Token {"failed to parse") } fn match_token(&mut self, token_kind: TokenKind) -> Result { match { Some(token) if token.kind == token_kind => Ok(token), Some(other) => Err(self.make_error(token_kind, other)), None => Err("Token expected".to_string()), } } fn peek_token(&mut self, token_kind: TokenKind) -> Result { match self.peek() { Some(token) if token.kind == token_kind => Ok(token), other => Err(format!( "Token {:?} not found, found {:?}", token_kind, other )), } } fn match_keyword(&mut self, keyword: Keyword) -> Result<(), String> { let token = self.next_token(); match &token.kind { TokenKind::Keyword(ref k) if k == &keyword => Ok(()), _ => Err(self.make_error(TokenKind::SemiColon, token)), } } fn match_operator(&mut self) -> Result { let token = self.next_token(); BinOp::try_from(token.kind) } fn match_identifier(&mut self) -> Result { match self.next_token().kind { TokenKind::Identifier(n) => Ok(n), other => Err(format!("Expected Identifier, found {:?}", other)), } } fn make_error(&mut self, token_kind: TokenKind, other: Token) -> String { match &self.raw { Some(raw_file) => format!( "Token {:?} not found, found {:?}\n{:?}", token_kind, other, highlight_position_in_file(raw_file.to_string(), other.to_owned().pos) ), None => format!("Token {:?} not found, found {:?}", token_kind, other), } } fn prev(&mut self) -> Option { self.prev.clone() } } impl Parser { fn parse_program(&mut self) -> Result { let mut functions = Vec::new(); let globals = Vec::new(); while self.has_more() { functions.push(self.parse_function()?) } Ok(Program { func: functions, globals: globals, }) } fn parse_function(&mut self) -> Result { self.match_keyword(Keyword::Function)?; let name = self.match_identifier()?; self.match_token(TokenKind::BraceOpen)?; let arguments: Vec = match self.peek() { Some(t) if t.kind == TokenKind::BraceClose => Vec::new(), _ => self .parse_arguments() .expect("Failed to parse function arguments"), }; self.match_token(TokenKind::BraceClose)?; self.match_token(TokenKind::CurlyBracesOpen)?; let mut statements = vec![]; while let Err(_) = self.peek_token(TokenKind::CurlyBracesClose) { let statement = self.parse_statement()?; dbg!("{:?}", &statement); statements.push(statement); } self.match_token(TokenKind::CurlyBracesClose)?; Ok(Function { name: name, arguments: arguments, statements: statements, }) } fn parse_arguments(&mut self) -> Result, String> { let mut args = Vec::new(); while let Err(_) = self.peek_token(TokenKind::BraceClose) { let next =|| "Expected identifier")?; match next.kind { TokenKind::Identifier(name) => args.push(Variable { name: name }), _ => return Err(self.make_error(TokenKind::Identifier("Argument".into()), next)), } } Ok(args) } fn parse_statement(&mut self) -> Result { let token = self.peek().ok_or_else(|| "Expected token")?; let state = match &token.kind { TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::Let) => self.parse_declare(), TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::Return) => self.parse_return(), TokenKind::Identifier(_) => { let ident = self.match_identifier()?; if let Ok(_) = self.peek_token(TokenKind::BraceOpen) { let state = self.parse_function_call()?; Ok(Statement::Exp(state)) } else { let state = Statement::Exp(Expression::Variable(ident.into())); Ok(state) } } TokenKind::Literal(_) => Ok(Statement::Exp(self.parse_expression()?)), _ => return Err(self.make_error(TokenKind::Unknown, token)), }; self.match_token(TokenKind::SemiColon)?; state } /// Parses a function call from tokens. /// The name of the function needs to be passed here, because we have already passed it with our cursor. fn parse_function_call(&mut self) -> Result { let ident_token = self.prev().ok_or_else(|| "Expected function identifier")?; let name = match &ident_token.kind { TokenKind::Identifier(name) => name, _ => { panic!(self.make_error(TokenKind::Identifier("Function name".into()), ident_token)) } } .to_string(); self.match_token(TokenKind::BraceOpen)?; let mut args = Vec::new(); loop { let next = self.peek().ok_or_else(|| "Can not peek token")?; match &next.kind { TokenKind::BraceClose => break, TokenKind::Comma => {; continue; } TokenKind::Identifier(_) | TokenKind::Literal(_) => { args.push(self.parse_expression()?) } _ => { return Err(self.make_error(TokenKind::BraceClose, next)); } }; } self.match_token(TokenKind::BraceClose)?; Ok(Expression::FunctionCall(name, args)) } fn parse_return(&mut self) -> Result { self.match_keyword(Keyword::Return)?; // TODO: Replace unwrap with make_error let peeked = self.peek().unwrap(); match peeked.kind { TokenKind::SemiColon => Ok(Statement::Return(None)), _ => Ok(Statement::Return(Some(self.parse_expression()?))), } } fn parse_expression(&mut self) -> Result { let token = self.next_token(); match token.kind { TokenKind::Literal(Value::Int) => { let state = match BinOp::try_from(self.peek().ok_or("Could not peek token")?.kind) { Ok(_) => self.parse_bin_op(None)?, Err(_) => Expression::Int(token.raw.parse::().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?), }; Ok(state) } TokenKind::Literal(Value::Str) => { let state = match BinOp::try_from(self.peek().ok_or("Could not peek token")?.kind) { Ok(_) => self.parse_bin_op(None)?, Err(_) => Expression::Str(token.raw), }; Ok(state) } TokenKind::Identifier(val) => { let next = self.peek().ok_or_else(|| "Token expected")?; let state = match &next.kind { TokenKind::BraceOpen => { let func_call = self.parse_function_call()?; match BinOp::try_from(self.peek().ok_or("Could not peek token")?.kind) { Ok(_) => self.parse_bin_op(Some(func_call))?, Err(_) => func_call, } } _ => match BinOp::try_from(self.peek().ok_or("Could not peek token")?.kind) { Ok(_) => self.parse_bin_op(None)?, Err(_) => Expression::Str(val), }, }; Ok(state) } other => Err(format!("Expected Expression, found {:?}", other)), } } /// In some occurences a complex expression has been evaluated before a binary operation is encountered. /// The following expression is one such example: /// ``` /// foo(1) * 2 /// ``` /// In this case, the function call has already been evaluated, and needs to be passed to this function. fn parse_bin_op(&mut self, lhs: Option) -> Result { let left = match lhs { Some(lhs) => lhs, None => { let prev = self.prev().ok_or_else(|| "Expected Token")?; match &prev.kind { TokenKind::Identifier(_) | TokenKind::Literal(_) => { Ok(Expression::try_from(prev)?) } _ => Err(self.make_error(TokenKind::Unknown, prev)), }? } }; let op = self.match_operator()?; Ok(Expression::BinOp( Box::from(Expression::try_from(left).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?), op, Box::from(self.parse_expression()?), )) } fn parse_declare(&mut self) -> Result { self.match_keyword(Keyword::Let)?; match ( self.next_token().kind, self.peek().ok_or("Expected ; or =")?.kind, ) { (TokenKind::Identifier(name), TokenKind::SemiColon) => { Ok(Statement::Declare(Variable { name }, None)) } (TokenKind::Identifier(name), TokenKind::Assign) => { self.drop(1); let exp = self.parse_expression().ok(); Ok(Statement::Declare(Variable { name }, exp)) } other => Err(format!("Expected identifier, found {:?}", other)), } } } pub fn parse(tokens: Vec, raw: Option) -> Result { let mut parser = Parser::new(tokens, raw); parser.parse() }