/** * Copyright 2020 Garrit Franke * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ pub(crate) mod cursor; use self::TokenKind::*; use cursor::Cursor; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct Token { pub kind: TokenKind, pub len: usize, pub raw: String, pub pos: Position, } impl Token { fn new(kind: TokenKind, len: usize, raw: String, pos: Position) -> Token { Token { kind, len, raw, pos, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub struct Position { pub line: usize, pub offset: usize, pub raw: usize, } /// Enum representing common lexeme types. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub enum TokenKind { /// Any whitespace characters sequence. Whitespace, Identifier(String), Literal(Value), /// Keywords such as 'if' or 'else' Keyword(Keyword), /// // Lorem Ipsum Comment, /// "+" Plus, /// "-" Minus, /// "*" Star, /// "/" Slash, /// "%" Percent, /// ":" Colon, /// ";" SemiColon, /// "!" Exclamation, /// "," Comma, /// "=" Assign, /// "==" Equals, /// "<" LessThan, /// "<=" LessThanOrEqual, /// ">" GreaterThan, /// ">=" GreaterThanOrEqual, /// "!=" NotEqual, /// && And, /// "||" Or, /// "+=" PlusEqual, /// "-=" MinusEqual, /// "*=" StarEqual, /// "/=" SlashEqual, /// "(" BraceOpen, /// ")" BraceClose, /// "[" SquareBraceOpen, /// "]" SquareBraceClose, /// "{" CurlyBracesOpen, /// "}" CurlyBracesClose, /// "\t" Tab, /// "\n" CarriageReturn, /// Unknown token, not expected by the lexer, e.g. "№" Unknown, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub enum Value { Int, Str, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub enum Keyword { Let, If, Else, Return, While, For, In, Break, Continue, Function, Boolean, Struct, New, Unknown, } /// Creates an iterator that produces tokens from the input string. pub fn tokenize(mut input: &str) -> Vec { let mut pos = Position { raw: usize::MAX, line: 1, offset: 0, }; std::iter::from_fn(move || { if input.is_empty() { return None; } let token = first_token(input, &mut pos); input = &input[token.len..]; Some(token) }) .collect() } /// Parses the first token from the provided input string. pub fn first_token(input: &str, pos: &mut Position) -> Token { debug_assert!(!input.is_empty()); Cursor::new(input, pos).advance_token() } pub fn is_whitespace(c: char) -> bool { match c { ' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' => true, '\u{00A0}' => { dbg!("Non-standard unicode character found: '\u{00A0}'"); true } _ => false, } } /// True if `c` is valid as a first character of an identifier. pub fn is_id_start(c: char) -> bool { ('a'..='z').contains(&c) || ('A'..='Z').contains(&c) || c == '_' } /// True if `c` is valid as a non-first character of an identifier. pub fn is_id_continue(c: char) -> bool { ('a'..='z').contains(&c) || ('A'..='Z').contains(&c) || ('0'..='9').contains(&c) || c == '_' } impl Cursor<'_> { /// Parses a token from the input string. fn advance_token(&mut self) -> Token { // Original chars used to identify the token later on let original_chars = self.chars(); // FIXME: Identical value, since it will be used twice and is not clonable later let original_chars2 = self.chars(); let first_char = self.bump().unwrap(); let token_kind = match first_char { c if is_whitespace(c) => self.whitespace(), '0'..='9' => self.number(), '"' | '\'' => self.string(), '+' => match self.first() { '=' => { self.bump(); PlusEqual } _ => Plus, }, '-' => match self.first() { '=' => { self.bump(); MinusEqual } _ => Minus, }, '*' => match self.first() { '=' => { self.bump(); StarEqual } _ => Star, }, '%' => Percent, '/' => match self.first() { '/' => { self.bump(); self.comment() } '=' => { self.bump(); SlashEqual } _ => Slash, }, '=' => match self.first() { '=' => { self.bump(); Equals } _ => Assign, }, ':' => Colon, ';' => SemiColon, ',' => Comma, '<' => match self.first() { '=' => { self.bump(); LessThanOrEqual } _ => LessThan, }, '>' => match self.first() { '=' => { self.bump(); GreaterThanOrEqual } _ => GreaterThan, }, '&' => match self.first() { '&' => { self.bump(); And } _ => Unknown, }, '|' => match self.first() { '|' => { self.bump(); Or } _ => Unknown, }, '!' => match self.first() { '=' => { self.bump(); NotEqual } _ => Exclamation, }, '(' => BraceOpen, ')' => BraceClose, '[' => SquareBraceOpen, ']' => SquareBraceClose, '{' => CurlyBracesOpen, '}' => CurlyBracesClose, c if is_id_start(c) => { let kind = self.identifier(c); if kind == Keyword::Unknown { let mut ch: String = original_chars.collect(); ch.truncate(self.len_consumed()); TokenKind::Identifier(ch) } else { TokenKind::Keyword(kind) } } '\n' => CarriageReturn, '\t' => Tab, _ => Unknown, }; let len = self.len_consumed(); let mut raw = original_chars2.collect::(); // Cut the original tokens to the length of the token raw.truncate(len); let position = self.pos(); Token::new(token_kind, len, raw, position) } /// Eats symbols while predicate returns true or until the end of file is reached. /// Returns amount of eaten symbols. fn eat_while(&mut self, mut predicate: F) -> usize where F: FnMut(char) -> bool, { let mut eaten: usize = 0; while predicate(self.first()) && !self.is_eof() { eaten += 1; self.bump(); } eaten } fn whitespace(&mut self) -> TokenKind { debug_assert!(is_whitespace(self.prev())); self.eat_while(is_whitespace); Whitespace } fn number(&mut self) -> TokenKind { self.eat_digits(); TokenKind::Literal(Value::Int) } fn string(&mut self) -> TokenKind { self.eat_string(); TokenKind::Literal(Value::Str) } fn identifier(&mut self, first_char: char) -> Keyword { let mut original: String = self.chars().collect::(); let len = self.eat_while(is_id_continue); // Cut original "rest"-character stream to length of token // and prepend first character, because it has been eaten beforehand original.truncate(len); original = format!("{}{}", first_char, original); match original { c if c == "if" => Keyword::If, c if c == "else" => Keyword::Else, c if c == "fn" => Keyword::Function, c if c == "true" || c == "false" => Keyword::Boolean, c if c == "let" => Keyword::Let, c if c == "return" => Keyword::Return, c if c == "while" => Keyword::While, c if c == "for" => Keyword::For, c if c == "in" => Keyword::In, c if c == "break" => Keyword::Break, c if c == "continue" => Keyword::Continue, c if c == "struct" => Keyword::Struct, c if c == "new" => Keyword::New, _ => Keyword::Unknown, } } fn comment(&mut self) -> TokenKind { // FIXME: Might lead to a bug, if End of file is encountered while self.first() != '\n' { self.bump(); } TokenKind::Comment } fn eat_digits(&mut self) -> bool { let mut has_digits = false; loop { match self.first() { '_' => { self.bump(); } '0'..='9' => { has_digits = true; self.bump(); } _ => break, } } has_digits } fn eat_string(&mut self) { // FIXME: double quoted strings could probably be ended by single quoted, and vice versa. // Possible fix: Pass the token of the string beginning down to this method and check against it. loop { match self.first() { '"' | '\'' => break, '\n' => panic!( "String does not end on same line. At {}:{}", self.pos().line, self.pos().offset ), _ => self.bump(), }; } // Eat last quote self.bump(); } }