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# Contributing
The easiest way to contribute to the Sabre project is by writing code in the language. The more the language is battle-tested, the more bugs can be found and therefore the language becomes more stable.
## Getting in touch
If you want to submit a patch, file a bug, suggest a feature or have questions about something, please send a mail to the [public mailing list]( of the project.
## Fixing things and adding features
If you want to contribute to the compiler itself, the easiest way to get started is to look at the [TODO file]( at the root of the project. Usually, this is where important todo items are jotted down.
You could also run the tests (`cargo test`) and see if any tests are ignored. Usually, if a bug is found in the wild, a failing but ignored test is written, so that it can be further investigated later.
## Submitting your code
Development should happen on [SourceHut]( If you want to contribute code, please send a patch to the [public mailing list]( If you don't feel confortable with the [patch-based workflow]( yet, you can also open a pull request in the [GitHub mirror](