You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
6.4 KiB

* Copyright 2020 Garrit Franke
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
3 years ago
use crate::generator::Generator;
use crate::parser::node_type::*;
pub struct JsGenerator;
impl Generator for JsGenerator {
fn generate(prog: Program) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
let raw_builtins = crate::builtin::Builtins::get("builtin.js")
.expect("Could not locate builtin functions");
code += std::str::from_utf8(raw_builtins.as_ref())
.expect("Unable to interpret builtin functions");
let funcs: String = prog
3 years ago
.map(|f| generate_function(f))
code += &funcs;
// Until we have a stdlib, it should suffice to print the result of main to stdout
code += "console.log(main())";
3 years ago
return code;
fn generate_function(func: Function) -> String {
let arguments: String = func
.join(", ");
let mut raw = format!("function {N}({A})", N =, A = arguments);
3 years ago
raw += &generate_block(func.body);
fn generate_block(block: Statement) -> String {
let mut generated = String::from("{\n");
let statements = match block {
Statement::Block(blk) => blk,
_ => panic!("Block body should be of type Statement::Block"),
for statement in statements {
generated += &generate_statement(statement);
generated += "}\n";
3 years ago
3 years ago
fn generate_statement(statement: Statement) -> String {
match statement {
Statement::Return(ret) => generate_return(ret),
Statement::Declare(name, val) => generate_declare(, val),
Statement::Exp(val) => generate_expression(val),
Statement::If(expr, if_state, else_state) => {
generate_conditional(expr, *if_state,|x| *x))
Statement::Assign(name, state) => generate_assign(name, *state),
Statement::Block(_) => generate_block(statement),
3 years ago
Statement::While(expr, body) => generate_while_loop(expr, *body),
fn generate_expression(expr: Expression) -> String {
match expr {
Expression::Int(val) => val.to_string(),
Expression::Variable(val) | Expression::Str(val) => val,
Expression::Char(_) => todo!(),
3 years ago
Expression::Bool(b) => b.to_string(),
Expression::FunctionCall(name, e) => generate_function_call(name, e),
Expression::Array(els) => generate_array(els),
Expression::BinOp(left, op, right) => generate_bin_op(*left, op, *right),
3 years ago
fn generate_while_loop(expr: Expression, body: Statement) -> String {
let mut out_str = String::from("while (");
out_str += &generate_expression(expr);
out_str += ") ";
out_str += &generate_block(body);
fn generate_array(elements: Vec<Expression>) -> String {
let mut out_str = String::from("[");
out_str += &elements
.map(|el| match el {
Expression::Int(x) => x.to_string(),
Expression::Str(x) => x.to_string(),
_ => todo!("Not yet implemented"),
.join(", ");
out_str += "]";
fn generate_conditional(
expr: Expression,
if_state: Statement,
else_state: Option<Statement>,
) -> String {
let expr_str = generate_expression(expr);
let body = match if_state {
Statement::Block(blk) => blk,
_ => panic!("Conditional body should be of type block"),
let mut outcome = format!("if ({})", expr_str);
outcome += "{\n";
for statement in body {
outcome += &generate_statement(statement);
outcome += "}";
if let Some(else_state) = else_state {
outcome += "else ";
outcome += &generate_statement(else_state);
fn generate_declare(name: String, val: Option<Expression>) -> String {
// var is used here to not collide with scopes.
// TODO: Can let be used instead?
match val {
Some(expr) => format!("var {} = {};\n", name, generate_expression(expr)),
None => format!("var {};\n", name),
fn generate_function_call(func: String, args: Vec<Expression>) -> String {
let formatted_args = args
.map(|arg| match arg {
Expression::Char(c) => c.to_string(),
Expression::Int(i) => i.to_string(),
3 years ago
Expression::Bool(v) => v.to_string(),
Expression::FunctionCall(n, a) => generate_function_call(n, a),
Expression::Str(s) | Expression::Variable(s) => s,
Expression::Array(_) => todo!(),
Expression::BinOp(left, op, right) => generate_bin_op(*left, op, *right),
format!("{N}({A})\n", N = func, A = formatted_args)
fn generate_return(ret: Option<Expression>) -> String {
match ret {
Some(expr) => format!("return {}\n", generate_expression(expr)),
None => "return;\n".to_string(),
fn generate_bin_op(left: Expression, op: BinOp, right: Expression) -> String {
let op_str = match op {
BinOp::Addition => "+",
BinOp::And => "&&",
BinOp::Division => "/",
BinOp::Equal => "===",
BinOp::GreaterThan => ">",
BinOp::GreaterThanOrEqual => ">=",
BinOp::LessThan => "<",
BinOp::LessThanOrEqual => "<=",
BinOp::Modulus => "%",
BinOp::Multiplication => "*",
BinOp::NotEqual => "!==",
BinOp::Or => "||",
BinOp::Subtraction => "-",
"{l} {op} {r}",
l = generate_expression(left),
op = op_str,
r = generate_expression(right)
fn generate_assign(name: String, expr: Expression) -> String {
format!("{} = {};\n", name, generate_expression(expr))