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3 years ago
use crate::generator::Generator;
use crate::parser::node_type::*;
pub struct JsGenerator;
impl Generator for JsGenerator {
fn generate(prog: Program) -> String {
let mut code = prog
.map(|f| generate_function(f))
// Until we have a stdlib, it should suffice to print the result of main to stdout
code += "console.log(main())";
3 years ago
return code;
fn generate_function(func: Function) -> String {
let arguments: String = func
.join(", ");
let mut raw = format!("function {N}({A})", N =, A = arguments);
3 years ago
raw += " {\n";
for statement in func.statements {
raw += &generate_statement(statement);
raw += "}\n";
3 years ago
fn generate_statement(statement: Statement) -> String {
match statement {
Statement::Return(ret) => generate_return(ret),
Statement::Declare(_, _) => todo!(),
Statement::Exp(val) => generate_expression(val),
Statement::Compound(_) => todo!(),
Statement::If(_, _, _) => todo!(),
Statement::While(_, _) => todo!(),
fn generate_expression(expr: Expression) -> String {
match expr {
Expression::Int(val) => val.to_string(),
Expression::Variable(val) | Expression::Str(val) => val,
Expression::Char(_) => todo!(),
Expression::FunctionCall(name, e) => generate_function_call(name, e),
Expression::Assign(_, _) => todo!(),
fn generate_function_call(func: String, args: Vec<Expression>) -> String {
let formatted_args = args
.map(|arg| match arg {
Expression::Char(c) => c.to_string(),
Expression::Int(i) => i.to_string(),
Expression::FunctionCall(n, a) => generate_function_call(n, a),
Expression::Str(s) | Expression::Variable(s) => s,
Expression::Assign(_, _) => todo!(),
format!("{N}({A})\n", N = func, A = formatted_args)
fn generate_return(ret: Option<Expression>) -> String {
match ret {
Some(expr) => format!("return {}\n", generate_expression(expr)),
None => "return;\n".to_string(),