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global loader ; the entry symbol for ELF
5 years ago
extern main
MAGIC_NUMBER equ 0x1BADB002 ; define the magic number constant
FLAGS equ 0x0 ; multiboot flags
CHECKSUM equ -MAGIC_NUMBER ; calculate the checksum
; (magic number + checksum + flags should equal 0)
KERNEL_STACK_SIZE equ 4096 ; size of stack in bytes
section .bss
align 4 ; align at 4 bytes
kernel_stack: ; label points to beginning of memory
resb KERNEL_STACK_SIZE ; reserve stack for the kernel
section .text: ; start of the text (code) section
align 4 ; the code must be 4 byte aligned
dd MAGIC_NUMBER ; write the magic number to the machine code,
dd FLAGS ; the flags,
dd CHECKSUM ; and the checksum
loader: ; the loader label (defined as entry point in linker script)
mov eax, 0xCAFEBABE ; place the number 0xCAFEBABE in the register eax
mov esp, kernel_stack + KERNEL_STACK_SIZE ; point esp to the start of the
; stack (end of memory area)
5 years ago
call main
5 years ago
5 years ago
jmp .loop ; loop forever