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package core
import (
// Blockchain struct
type Blockchain struct {
Blocks []Block
PendingTransactions []Transaction
Peers []string
// MineBlock adds a block to the chain
func (bc *Blockchain) MineBlock() Block {
block := Block{}
block.Data = bc.PendingTransactions
block.Timestamp = time.Now()
block.PreviousHash = bc.GetLastHash()
// Mine Block
log.Print("Mining Block...")
for {
if strings.HasPrefix(block.Hash(), "0000") {
bc.Blocks = append(bc.Blocks, block)
bc.PendingTransactions = []Transaction{}
log.Print("Block Added: ", block.Hash())
return block
// NewBlockchain creates a new Blockchain
func NewBlockchain() Blockchain {
log.Print("Creating Blockchain...")
blockchain := Blockchain{Blocks: make([]Block, 0), PendingTransactions: make([]Transaction, 0), Peers: make([]string, 0)}
// Mine Genesis Block
return blockchain
// AddTransaction takes in a transaction and adds it to the block
func (bc *Blockchain) AddTransaction(transaction Transaction) error {
bc.PendingTransactions = append(bc.PendingTransactions, transaction)
return nil
// GetLastHash returns the hash of the latest block on the chain
func (bc *Blockchain) GetLastHash() string {
bcLength := len(bc.Blocks)
if bcLength == 0 {
return "0"
return bc.Blocks[len(bc.Blocks)-1].Hash()
// AddPeer appends the IP address to the list of peers known to the chain
func (bc *Blockchain) AddPeer(peer string) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
resp, err = http.Get("http://" + peer)
// Return Error, if an error occured
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add Peer, if it is not already in the list
if !contains(bc.Peers, peer) {
bc.Peers = append(bc.Peers, peer)
return resp, nil
func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
// IsValid checks, if the chain has any faulty blocks
func (bc *Blockchain) IsValid() bool {
for i := 1; i < len(bc.Blocks); i++ {
if bc.Blocks[i-1].Hash() != bc.Blocks[i].PreviousHash {
return false
return true
func (bc *Blockchain) Update() bool {
var hasBeenReplaced = false
for _, peer := range bc.Peers {
resp, err := http.Get("http://" + peer)
decoder := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
var receivedBlockchain JSONBlockchain
err = decoder.Decode(&receivedBlockchain)
if err == nil {
if receivedBlockchain.Blockcount > bc.AsJSON().Blockcount {
newBlocks := make([]Block, 0)
for _, block := range receivedBlockchain.Blocks {
newBlocks = append(newBlocks, block.FromJSON())
bc.Blocks = newBlocks
log.Println("Blockchain has been updated by " + peer)
hasBeenReplaced = true
return hasBeenReplaced
// JSONBlockchain is needed, because the hash of each block is calculated dynamically, and therefore is not stored in the `Block` struct
type JSONBlockchain struct {
Blocks []JSONBlock
Blockcount int
PendingTransactions []Transaction
Peers []string
// AsJSON returns the Blockchain as a JSON Blockchain
func (bc *Blockchain) AsJSON() JSONBlockchain {
jsonChain := JSONBlockchain{PendingTransactions: bc.PendingTransactions, Peers: bc.Peers}
for _, block := range bc.Blocks {
jsonChain.Blocks = append(jsonChain.Blocks, block.AsJSON())
jsonChain.Blockcount = len(jsonChain.Blocks)
return jsonChain