# Example answer file for setup-alpine script # If you don't want to use a certain option, then comment it out # Set keyboard layout KEYMAPOPTS="us us-altgr-intl" #Set hostname HOSTNAMEOPTS="-n avalanche-linux" # Contents of /etc/network/interfaces INTERFACESOPTS="auto layout iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp hostname avalanche-linux " #Search domain of example.com, Google public nameserver DNSOPTS="-d example.com" # Set timezone TIMEZONEOPTS="-z Europe/Amsterdam" # set http/ftp proxy #PROXYOPTS="http://webproxy:8080 # Add fastest mirror APKREPOSOPTS="-f" # Install remote access (openssh/dropbear) SSHDOPTS="-c dropbear" # Install NTP (openntpd/chrony/busybox) NTPOPTS="-c chrony" # Use /dev/vda as a sys disk DISKOPTS="-m sys /dev/vda" # Setup in /media/sdb1 #LBUOPTS="/media/sdb1" #APKCACHEOPTS="/media/sdb1/cache"