You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
1.8 KiB

from collections import defaultdict
from functools import reduce
import os
import re
def column(matrix, i):
return [row[i] for row in matrix]
def part1(lines: list[str]):
grid = defaultdict()
pos_head = (0, 0)
pos_tail = (0, 0)
grid[pos_head] = True
for line in lines:
parts = line.split()
instruction = (parts[0], int(parts[1]))
for i in range(instruction[1]):
if instruction[0] == "R":
pos_head = (pos_head[0] + 1, pos_head[1])
delta = [x - y for x, y in zip(pos_head, pos_tail)]
if abs(delta[0]) > 1 or abs(delta[1]) > 1:
pos_tail = (pos_tail[0] + 1, pos_tail[1] + delta[1])
if instruction[0] == "L":
pos_head = (pos_head[0] - 1, pos_head[1])
delta = [x - y for x, y in zip(pos_head, pos_tail)]
if abs(delta[0]) > 1 or abs(delta[1]) > 1:
pos_tail = (pos_tail[0] - 1, pos_tail[1] + delta[1])
if instruction[0] == "U":
pos_head = (pos_head[0], pos_head[1] + 1)
delta = [x - y for x, y in zip(pos_head, pos_tail)]
if abs(delta[0]) > 1 or abs(delta[1]) > 1:
pos_tail = (pos_tail[0] + delta[0], pos_tail[1] + 1)
if instruction[0] == "D":
pos_head = (pos_head[0], pos_head[1] - 1)
delta = [x - y for x, y in zip(pos_head, pos_tail)]
if abs(delta[0]) > 1 or abs(delta[1]) > 1:
pos_tail = (pos_tail[0] + delta[0], pos_tail[1] - 1)
grid[pos_tail] = True
return len(grid)
def part2(lines):
dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filename = os.path.join(dirname, '../input.txt')
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()