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<summary id="lightweight-notice">Notice about ultra lightweight sites</summary>
<p>There are a growing number of "sites" being submitted to The 512KB Club that are ultra lightweight (usually
<1KB). These sites often contain absolutely no information apart from a couple of links to other pages that <i>
do</i> contain information.</p>
<p><b>These sites are not in keeping with the aim of The 512KB Club and will not be added.</b> To be added to this
site the page you submit must contain a reasonable amount of information.</p>
<p class="medium">But what qualifies as a "reasonable amount of information"?</p>
<p>Great question! Ultimately it's for me to decide and I will use my own discretion, but as a guide, if your site
contains nothing more than a title and a couple of links, it <b>won't</b> be added. If you page contains some
CSS formatting, a couple of paragraphs of text, and links to other pages, it will probably be added.</p>
<p>The aim of The 512KB Club is to showcase lightweight websites. Anyone can create a website that is under 1KB, but
composed only of a single <code>h1</code> tag and a couple of links. That's boring - try and be more