You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

114 lines
4.2 KiB

# Script to update sites.yml file for
# It updates requested number of entries in that file,
# starting with those having _earliest_ 'last_checked' date
# (those having non-date 'last_checked' field, like "N/A", are checked first).
import datetime
import os
import sys
# create a file with details of your gtmetrix account, like this:
# email=''
# api_key='96bcab1060d838723701010387159086'
import myauth
from gtmetrix import *
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
def summarizeHar(har):
"""Given a har file (parsed json object), returns total size of all responses, in bytes."""
return sum((entry["response"]["content"]["size"] for entry in har["log"]["entries"]))
def countPageBytes(url):
"""Submits URL to gtmetrix, waits for analysis to complete, and returns dict of:
{'kb': size in kilobytes rounded according to gtmetrix standard,
'url': link to gtmetrix report (human-readable webpage)
# TODO: error checking in the following 4 lines
my_test = gt.start_test(url)
result = my_test.fetch_results(0)
har = my_test._request(my_test.har)
size = summarizeHar(har)/1024
if size<100:
size = round(size,1)
size = round(size)
return {'kb': size, 'url':result['results']['report_url']}
def sizeToTeam(size):
"""Given a size in kilobytes, returns the team (green/orange/blue),
or "N/A" if size is too big for"""
if size<100:
return "green"
elif size<250:
return "orange"
elif size<=512:
return "blue"
return "N/A"
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: %s /path/to/sites.yml number_of_oldest_sites_to_check" % sys.argv[0])
# load yaml
filename = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
print("Invalid filename: %s" % filename)
yaml.default_flow_style = False
sites = yaml.load(open(filename,'r'))
global gt
# workaround to allow "+" symbol in email
# see also
gt = GTmetrixInterface('','123')
gt.auth=(, myauth.api_key)
# number of sites left to check
left = int(sys.argv[2])
print("Site | old size (team) | new size (team) | delta (%) | GTMetrix | note")
print("---- | --------------- | --------------- | --------- | -------- | ----")
while left > 0:
# find minimum (earliest) last_checked date
# first, try entries where 'last_checked' is not a valid date (it can be "N/A")
min_date = next((x['last_checked'] for x in sites if not isinstance(x['last_checked'],, None)
if not min_date:
# otherwise, find earliest of the found dates
min_date = min((x['last_checked'] for x in sites if isinstance(x['last_checked'],
# TODO: abort if min_date is too close to present?
# find first site with matching date
site = next((x for x in sites if x['last_checked'] == min_date))
# print first half of the row (with old data)
oldsize = float(site['size'])
oldteam = sizeToTeam(oldsize)
print("[%s](%s) | %.1fkb (%s) | " % (site['domain'], site['url'], oldsize, oldteam), end='', flush=True)
# get new data
result = countPageBytes(site['url'])
# analyze the result
newsize = result['kb']
newteam = sizeToTeam(newsize)
delta = newsize-oldsize
size_diff = round((newsize-oldsize)/oldsize*100)
note = ''
if abs(size_diff)>10:
note = "big size change!"
if oldteam != newteam:
note = "team changed!!"
if newsize>512:
note = "too big for!!!"
# print the second half of the row
print(f"%.1fkb (%s) | %+.1fkb (%+d) | [report](%s#waterfall) | %s" % (newsize, newteam, delta, size_diff, result['url'], note))
# save the result
site['size'] = newsize
site['last_checked'] =
left -= 1
if __name__ == '__main__':